Visiting Scholar

Worata Klinsawat (2012-2014)

Ph.D. Candidate, University of Minnesota

Email: [email protected]

Research Interest: Landscape Genetics, Molecular Ecology, and Phylogeography 



Pai is visiting from University of Minnesota, USA.  She is conducting her Ph.D. thesis work on the effects of habitat fragmentation on patterns of genetic variation and temporal-scale changes of gene flow of large mammals including tiger (Panthera tigris), Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), guar (Bos gaurus), and banteng (Bos javanicus) in the Western Forest Complexes, Thailand. A better understanding of how genetic differentiation is influenced by evolutionary process and spatial patterns will lead to effective conservation management of threatened species. She would like to extend her passion for wildlife conservation, landscape genetics, and outdoor photography by joining outreach engagement and academic talks. Chris Johns, the National Geographic Editor, once said exploration is as near as our own backyard-it can be profoundly life affirming. Pai hopes to encourage younger generation to cherish and live in harmony with nature.


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Luo Lab, School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China
Tel: +86-10-6275 2307 | E-mail: [email protected]